Author: Pure Love Zone

Ringing in the New Year with the Fam It’s like this chance to honor all the goofy traditions from years past while making fresh new core memories that’ll stick with you for lifetimes to come. When you really think about it, we’ve all got our own little customs and routines that have become totally baked into how we ring in those fresh 365 days with hope and revelry as a fam. Certain activities are so quintessentially “new year’s” that they’re basically non-negotiable at this point. Let’s go over some of these classic new year’s traditions that people look forward to…

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Ah, Eid al-Fitr! That gloriously joyous celebration that signals the end of Ramadan and the arrival of life’s most vibrant, soul-nourishing party. I’m talking the kind of festivity that sparks an electric sense of euphoria and makes your heart feel like it could burst from sheer happiness and gratitude. For Muslim families worldwide, the buildup to this “Festival of Breaking the Fast” is almost better than the main event itself. Almost. You know those deliciously giddy feelings of anticipation you’d get as a kid, anxiously awaiting something as earth-shatteringly epic as a birthday or the last day of school? Well,…

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Diwali is simply the most incredible time of the year for anyone with Indian roots or just a love for brilliant displays of color, light, and joyous celebration. Trust me, this ancient Hindu “festival of lights” has a truly special magic that brings families and loved ones together like nothing else can. As a kid, I remember the buzz of Diwali excitement starting to build in our house weeks in advance. You could just feel it in the air – that unmistakable energy that something amazing was about to go down. My siblings and I would be nagging our mom…

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As an incoming university student, the freshers party marks one of the biggest celebrations and social events you’ll experience. It’s an exciting kick-off to this new chapter of your life, a chance to make new friends, get a taste of the social scene on campus, and truly embrace your newfound independence. With so much buzz and buildup surrounding this monumental night, it’s only natural to put some serious thought into what you’ll wear. Test Out the Location in Advance Do a little recon on the venue and any outdoor spaces being used for the freshers party. Will guests be transitioning…

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While often portrayed as an inscrutable, mystical riddle that “no one truly understands,” the reality is that the women you encounter and court romantically aren’t indecipherable codes in need of cracking. They’re human beings who crave many of the same things their male counterparts do – appreciation, respect, effort, affection and loyalty. However, that doesn’t mean the journey of getting to know a partner, forge intimacy and build trust is without its own distinct masculine-feminine dynamics to navigate. If you’re entering this chapter feeling a little green or understandably rusty in the realms of courting, romancing and learning to support…

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While validating her sadness through empathy is the essential first step, she’ll also be looking to you as her partner for some reassurance that her feelings, while totally understandable in the moment, are only temporary. You can provide that soothing comfort and perspective by tempering your empathetic responses with reassuring phrases like: “Right now that feeling of loss over your grandmother’s passing is so heavy and raw, and you have every right to just cry it all out. But just know that eventually with time and space to grieve, that sadness will pass and you’ll be able to look back…

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One of the most common pitfalls that can derail feelings of closeness in a couple over time is getting lazy and taking the relationship for granted. You know almost everything about each other’s lives, have settled into routines, and it’s easy to start operating on autopilot without much engagement. If you really want your girlfriend to feel loved, you need to fight against complacency and always maintain an eager desire to learn about her on a deeper level. Make her feel seen and understood by: • Practicing active listening when she speaks about work, interests or concerns • Asking plenty…

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In the immediate aftermath of a harsh breakup, even the most basic daily routines and familiar surroundings suddenly feel foreign, dark, and stripped of meaning without your significant other by your side. Haunting memories and tidbits of your old life together appear around every corner, mocking your new, harsh reality of being abruptly single. As the shock and desolation set in, you may find yourself desperately searching for ways to numb the ache, distract yourself, or radically shake up your environment and routines. Anything to escape the heaviness and hassling inner voice constantly asking “How could this happen?” and “Will…

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Stock Up On Essential Supplies The first step in being a cramp-fighting hero? Make sure you’re fully stocked with the right supplies and ammunition to battle her pain and discomfort. Some must-have menstrual cramp essentials to keep on hand include: • Her preferred brand of pads, tampons, panty liners or menstrual cups • Over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen, acetaminophen or naproxen • Portable heating pads or adhesive heat wraps for her abdomen area • Herbal tea varieties known to ease cramps like chamomile or ginger • Hydrating beverages like sports drinks, coconut water or natural fruit juices • Gentle, healthy…

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Childhood & Family Questions • What’s your happiest childhood memory? Who was there and what made it so special? • If you could have had any other name growing up, what would you have picked? • What were you irrationally afraid of or obsessed with as a little kid? • How would you describe your personality and role in your family growing up? • What family traditions, meals, or inside jokes do you look back on most fondly? • Which relatives had the biggest impact or influence on your life and values? • If your childhood self could see you…

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